5 Reasons to Hire a PowerPoint Designer

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “better hire a professional”, right? Well, that maxim applies to preparing a slide presentation as much as it does to installing a sink or landscaping your yard. Do you have a presentation coming up? Here are some reasons why you should avoid the DIY approach and consider hiring a PowerPoint designer.

Frustrated and tired business woman sitting in modern background. Need to hire a PowerPoint designer.

1. Saves Time and Reduces Stress

You have a critical conference to attend. Last minute arrangements need to be made. Your normal work must be attended to. Reputations are on the line and now you have a slideshow to put together. Not only must you build it but you want to make it eye-catching and upbeat to keep the audience from nodding off.

Why submit yourself to this stress when you can hire a professional to perform these unsavory tasks. To you, chores such as putting together PowerPoint decks are just an occasional part of your job. You don’t mind it but you’re not exactly thrilled about doing them. Well, guess what? Designers love working with PowerPoint. They thrive on it. So, let a PowerPoint designer worry about designing your deck. That way you can focus on your timing and delivery for the big event.

2. Know How to Communicate Effectively

The idea is not just to get your message across, but to do so a in manner that entertains and engages your audience. You are proficient at what you do which is why you’re the one giving the presentation, right? Well, PowerPoint designers are masters of their craft as well. What they do requires a blend of skill, specialized education and years of practice. They know how to use space in a layout to make a statement. They understand  the subtleties of visual communication and how a typeface, for example, can enhance (or detract from) the expression of an idea or concept.

3. Can Help Clarify Your Vision

PowerPoint designers are adept at turning abstract concepts into something visual that an audience can relate to. They know how to reinterpret those pesky Excel charts and graphs into a form that is stimulating and interesting to view. They know ways to articulate facts and figures that bring otherwise mundane information to life, helping you deliver a striking presentation that keeps the audience engaged.

4. They Can Give Your Deck a Wow-Factor

Professional designers don’t just decorate a slide deck with animations and transitions. They devise a strategy to effectively convey your message not with bangs and whistles, but with style and consistency throughout. Using bold graphics, strong imagery, typography and motion, professionals know how to avoid visual clutter and develop a design solution that will impress and inspire an audience.

5. Boost Your Confidence

When you feel good about yourself people can sense it. There is something that a person projects when he or she feels confident. Feeling secure about the quality of the visuals used to support your message, helps you step up to the podium with assurance. That confidence translates into competence which of course is exactly the image that you want to project.

I love working with PowerPoint. I particularly enjoy deck makeovers. If your old lackluster deck needs a reboot, you should consider hiring a professional. Take a look at some examples from previous projects.